A 14.99% Cash Advance Program that's quick & simple, get it now.
Ideal if you have a balance with another company.Click the Apply Now! to the left to be taken to our application page where you can apply and sign online via DocuSign, or if you’d rather, you can download our application form.
With our cash advance program, we are currently offering 14.99% for 6 months; 24.99% for 1 year.
Understandably you need a cash advance. This program is ideal. Even if you have a balance with another company we can help you because you are not required to satisfy any existing balances. We look at your ability to service both, so if you have the cash flow, it’s a done deal. Most companies that offer side by side loans like this charge up to 3 times as much for the funds. The following illustration shows the typical approximate details.
A $10,000 cash advance would be paid back over 1 year at $49.56 per day. Including all fees, the total payback would be $12,500 (1.249 factor, 252 payments).
Here are some more illustrations (amounts are approximate):
Six-Month Cash Advance Repayment Option
Advance | Daily (5 days/week) | Payments (6 months) | Payback | Factor Rate |
$10,000 | $91.27 | 126 | $11,500 | 1.1499 |
$20,000 | $182.54 | 126 | $23,000 | 1.1499 |
$30,000 | $273.81 | 126 | $34,500 | 1.1499 |
$40,000 | $365.08 | 126 | $46,000 | 1.1499 |
$50,000 | $456.35 | 126 | $57,500 | 1.1499 |
Or you can choose the longer schedule below:
One-Year Cash Advance Repayment Option
Advance | Daily (5 days/week) | Payments (1 year) | Payback | Factor Rate |
$10,000 | $49.56 | 252 | $12,500 | 1.2499 |
$20,000 | $99.12 | 252 | $25,000 | 1.2499 |
$30,000 | $148.68 | 252 | $37,500 | 1.2499 |
$40,000 | $198.24 | 252 | $50,000 | 1.2499 |
$50,000 | $247.80 | 252 | $62,500 | 1.2499 |
These illustrations include all initiation fees as well as loan guarantee fees.
Click the Apply Now! to the left to be taken to our application page where you can apply and sign online via DocuSign, or if you’d rather, you can download our application form.